Everything to make your Easter special and memorable
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Easter Decorations /Plannings/Celebrations
Make an Easter Door Decoration
Making your door look festive for the Easter season is a fun art and craft project. It's a lovely way to welcome guests to your home at this time of the year.
How to Get Ready for Easter
Getting ready for Easter is very fun. You don't have to do it just for Easter, you can do it anytime! If you love Easter, read on!
Celebrate Easter
The Festival has got two facets when it comes to celebrating it, mainly the religious part and the Feasting part. Both ideas have a new beginning a time to get it right and love our families, these are some ideas of how to do this.
Do an Easter Table Setting
An Easter table setting is an important part of preparing the Easter table for meals together with family and friends during the Easter period. While the way in which you set up an Easter table setting is entirely up to your imagination and preferences, it does help to have inspiration. Moreover, if you're the kind of person who likes to vary the decorative element of your holiday table themes each year, new ideas are vital to inspire a change of focus each year.
Make Easter Egg Wreath
Wreaths are ideal decorative items for any season, provided they're made to reflect the holiday or seasonal occasion. For Easter, the traditional egg is a good choice for making a wreath from. This article shows you how to make one using real eggs and one using artificial eggs.
How to Dress for Easter
Easter is often symbolized by eggs, rabbits and baby chicks, which represent images of new life. Likewise, Easter clothing typically evokes bright, spring-like colors, patterns and styles. Traditional Easter Sunday attire includes dresses and hats ,often referred to as Easter bonnets for women and suits for men.
Make an Easter Centerpiece
When setting the table for Easter, a centerpiece can pull together the entire table theme and serve as the focal point for all of the Easter decorations. For some, it is enough to just have a centerpiece without further decorations, while others use the centerpiece as the crowning part of the table setting theme. Find out what your preference is as you work through these ideas.
Make an Easter Tree
An Easter tree is a decoration suitable for Easter time. It's very simple and therefore is an ideal craft idea for smaller children to make with you.
Decorate Your Home for Easter Spring
The sun shines, warm sunlight filters through your windows. Its springtime! The season of new life, Easter, and fresh beginnings! Stop being stuck in winter and decorate for spring.
Grow a Spring or Easter Basket
Celebrate spring or Easter by making your own unique, home-grown gift baskets. It’s fun and easy and a fresh alternative to bagged, plastic grass. This is a wonderful learning project for young, supervised children and grown-ups, alike.
Make Easter Grass
Easter grass is useful for placing in the base of Easter baskets, around Easter cakes, desserts and other food and as a decorative item. This article suggests a few ways to make your own.
How to Decorate for Easter
A little stuck on what to do for decorative effect this Easter? Bringing the spirit of Easter into your home can help the kids to get really involved in the meaning of Easter, as well as having a little fun with Easter related themes. Here are some tips on how to make your home look delightful for Easter.
Easter Games & Egg Hunts
Find Easter Eggs in an Easter Egg Hunt
Easter egg hunts are fun and enjoyable. But however, It is a real bother when you cant seem to find the Easter eggs! Here is how to find Easter eggs in an Easter egg hunt!
Fundraiser Using an Easter Egg Hunt
Did you know that Easter egg hunts can be a super way to raise funds? If you haven't already considered this for a school, club, or community fundraiser, now is the time to do so!
Make a Bunny by Typing Characters on Your Keyboard
ASCII art is a way of making pictures using different keyboard symbols. To make adorable ASCII bunnies, try one of the following methods
Plan Easter Games for a Children's Easter Party
If you're planning to hold an Easter party for children, it's important to have a few games to keep them entertained along with the usual Easter goodies like chocolate and sugar treats. There are a number of Easter-themed games you could include in your Easter children's party and this article has rounded up some really fun ones that are likely to be a big hit.
Plan an Easter Egg Hunt
No Easter party is complete without an Easter egg hunt. Whether you are planning an Easter party for children or teenagers, the following ideas will make a memorable party.
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Draw the Easter Bunny
Every April, the Easter Bunny comes hopping down the bunny trail. Kids love him because he hides Easter eggs in gardens and parks. Learn how to draw him by following this hippity-hoppity tutorial!
Find Hidden Secrets or "Easter Eggs" in Programs or Games
Often these programmers will put in an "Easter egg", which is something extra that is hidden. It can be anything from a special "credits" screen, to a hidden pinball game in Word.
Easter Crafts
How to Fold a Rabbit Wash Cloth
Turn that ordinary face cloth into a bouncing bunny. When made up, this cloth bunny can fit into a baby gift basket, an Easter basket or simply be given to a reluctant bather to encourage some bath time fun. It also has a nifty secret purpose, you can slip ice cubes inside bunny to ease those bumps and scrapes every young child is prone to.
Make Funny Bunny Slippers
Do you want to make your existing slippers look much cuter than they are now? This article will teach you how to transform your plain slippers into silly-but-cute rabbits you can wear!
Make a Fun Easter Basket
Easter is a fun time of year for the children. There is nothing like crafting an old-fashioned basket by hand to get their Easter off to a good start. This is an easy and very traditional Easter project.
Make Illuminated Fireflies from Plastic Easter Eggs
At Easter time you'll probably be given a few plastic Easter eggs and even if not, you'll be able to grab hold of many for next to almost nothing in the sales. Give them a new lease of life as pretty fireflies, which you can bring out to decorate the outdoor eating space all through the summer nights and Easter.
Do Easter Bunny Nails
If you want a cute design to do as you collect eggs, need an adorable design to show your friends, or just want to do a design that will bring a smile to every face who sees it, this nail art design is perfect for all of those!
Make a Basket from an Egg Carton
A small basket suitable for miniature chocolate eggs, tiny treats or small treasures can be made using egg carton bases. The decorative additions can be as simple or as fancy as you like, with the basic basket shape providing many possibilities.
Make a Terracotta Pot Easter Bunny
The cutest terracotta pot bunny ever. This Easter craft would be great to do with kids of all ages; even kids under 2 can do the painting if you add a few "touch-ups" when done. This craft is really easy to do in spite of the length of the instructions; you'll whip through them to create your terracotta bunny.
Make a Bunny Baby Basket
This bunny basket looks great with its stuffed animal tucked in, but you can also fill it with a wide variety of small baby items for your next baby shower. The bunny basket itself, made from two bath towels, makes an easy and perfect gift carrier for the expecting mom in your life!
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Easter Eggs & Crafts
Blow Out Eggs
"Blown out" eggs are often required for craft projects that use empty, complete eggshells. Blown out eggs can be preserved for years after they're made; without the egg white or yolk, the eggs won't spoil. If you want to learn effective techniques for blowing out eggs, read this article.
Hard Boil an Egg
Here's a fool-proof, reliable way to hard boil eggs which is a key ingredient in Easter egg craft.
Make Patterned Easter Eggs
Looking to have something different this Easter and skip the typical blandly dyed Easter Eggs? If you want to add some more decoration to your Easter basket by creating beautifully patterned and textured Easter eggs using patterned hosiery.
Make Batik Eggs
Batik eggs are an ideal craft at Easter time. Children as young as seven can make these with help, and no matter what your age, you'll be delighted with the resulting designs.
Design Print Easter Eggs
If the same old dyed Easter eggs are no longer cutting it, or if you want to add an element of sophistication to your holiday, design print eggs using cardboard template designs, an old nylon stocking and dye.
Create Easter Decor Confetti
Do you like dying Easter eggs and arranging them in baskets or bags? A great decoration is to place a colorful grass-like confetti underneath the eggs for decor and a cushion. If you get a daily or weekly newspaper, this guide is perfect for you.
Decorate Easter Eggs
Decorating Easter eggs is a fun activity that you can do with your kids. There are numerous ways to make the eggs colorful without sticking to a traditional kit. When working with art supplies, always work with hard boiled eggs.
Make an Egg Shaker
Shakers, similar to maracas, are very easy to make. They can be used for recordings and performances, or just for fun. This article will help you make a simple shaker out of a plastic Easter egg.
Make an Easter Egg Glow
This is an easy and scientific craft to do when you're wondering what to do during the Easter holiday. These steps will show you how to make an egg glow in the dark using the natural bio-luminance of the egg, sodium citrate found in some egg dyes and microwave radiation.
Make East European Style Easter Eggs
Easter egg coloring dyes are available commercially for dilution with a lot of water; you can buy those kinds of dyes (coloring) and dilute with a lot of water to make these type of Easter eggs.
Carve an Egg
Egg Carving is a great skill that will impress many people. Here's how to do an amazing egg carving.
Dye Easter Eggs
Coloring hard boiled eggs is an Easter tradition. The fun part is, there are so many ways to do it! You can do single colored eggs, but an added touch never hurt anyone. You can eat these eggs, give them as gifts, or use them for decoration.
Make Easter Lego Eggs
Lego eggs are a fun and geeky way to celebrate Easter. They're simple to make and very effective when displayed as a group.
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Easter Special published on 2nd April 2013 by Genius knight Category: Easter